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Estate Planning

Are You Ready to Plan for the Future?

Essentially, estate planning is planning for the future. It is planning to see that your hard-earned assets are properly passed on to the next generation when you are no longer able to enjoy them.

In Riverside County, as well as the surrounding parts of California, people turn to the Law Offices for help with estate planning. Our attorneys are committed to providing customized plans that make sense for you and your family.

We Keep Fees Reasonable

Our team believes in providing effective estate planning representation at reasonable fees. Our team keeps fees reasonable, partly because we do not add phone calls between you and us to your bill. From your initial consultation on, all calls are free.

The Tools of Estate Planning

Our lawyers take pride in providing personalized service. We believe it’s important because it allows us to truly get to know your needs. Only after learning about you and your needs can we determine what tools to incorporate into your estate plan.

Among the commonly used tools are:

  • Wills
  • Trusts
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Advance Directives
  • Living Wills

We take great care in reviewing all of your options with you. We will demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses that come with each choice. We will inform you about estate planning. We will do what is right for you.